Safety working group
Chair – Duane McLane
c0-Vice Chair – Matt moury
co-vice chair – Scott Nicholson
Secretary – Kacy Hopwood
DOE Liaison – Kevin Dressman
Board Sponsor – Bob Smith
Safety working group mission and scope
The Safety Working Group (SWG) is chartered to support member companies in attaining and maintaining the highest levels safety and regulatory performance in the operation of Department of Energy (DOE)/National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) facilities/projects.
The SWG will achieve this by:
• Advocating for strong, effective implementation of Integrated Safety Management across departmental activities.
• Seeking out, developing, and promoting best management and operating practices.
• Facilitating the exchange of operating experiences and information on safety/regulatory programs and their effectiveness and designing studies and developing position and technical papers to inform DOE/NNSA regulations and directives processes where appropriate.
• Providing DOE/NNSA and member companies with access to a network of subject matter experts.
• Identifying opportunities to save and/or avoid costs in the implementation of safety and regulatory programs while assisting member companies implement effective safety and regulatory programs through peer reviews and consultations; and
• Arranging for training, exercises and/or awareness workshops to enhance the competency of safety professionals.
Upcoming Events
Upcoming event information can be found on the EFCOG home page
Safety working group organization
MAY is electrical safety month!
Click on the desired size to download the posters below.
8.5 x 14
Subgroups and communities of practice
contractor assurance system subgroup
The Contractor Assurance System (CAS) Subgroup is a group of individuals from across the U.S Department of Energy (DOE) and National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) complex. The purpose of this group is to promote sharing and leverage expertise to address CAS related challenges. The Subgroup is comprised of two Communities of Practice (COPs) and task teams that focus on developing and documenting best practices and process improvements related to specific topics.
Integrated Safety Management Subgroup
Communities of Practice:
Human Performance Improvement
Work Planning & Control
Safety Culture
Quality Assurance Subgroup
The Quality Assurance Subgroup is a working committee of Quality professionals dedicated to promoting, sharing and addressing quality related challenges and improvements through the development and dissemination of tools, lessons learned, best practices and guidance documents. The QA Subgroup is comprised of task teams that develop strategies to address specific topics. These teams are comprised of representatives from across the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) complex.
Communities of Practice:
Policy & Procedures
Procurement Engineering
Supply Chain Quality
Software Quality Assurance
Regulatory & Enforcement Subgroup
The Regulatory & Enforcement Technical Subgroup exists to foster the exchange of information between Contractors and the Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Enforcement to promote consistency in the identification, reporting, and resolution of nuclear safety, worker safety & health, and classified information security issues across the Department of Energy complex. The group exchanges lessons learned from events selected for investigation by the DOE Office of Enforcement and shares approaches and strategies to prevent the recurrence of similar conditions. Additionally, the group provides discussion of strategies to address emerging issues and concerns identified by the DOE Office of Enforcement.
Worker Safety & Health Subgroup
The purpose of the Worker Safety & Health Subgroup (WS&H SG) is to promote safe work practices and a healthy workforce while supporting effective and efficient operations within the Department of Energy (DOE) and related EFCOG member organizations. The WS&H SG accomplishes its purpose by gathering, evaluating, developing and sharing performance measures, best management practices, and lessons learned consistent with the principles and functions of Integrated Safety Management.
Communities of Practice:
Laser Safety
Electrical Safety
Industrial Hygiene, Safety and Chemical Management
Radiation Protection
Occupational Medicine
Human Reliability Program Designated Psychologists
ORGANIZATION CHARTS – Worker Safety & Health Subgroup