project delivery working group
Chair – amy basche
Vice Chair – Michael Nosbisch
WG coordinator – craig hewitt
DOE Liaison – paul bosco
Board Sponsor – Bob Miklos, Jeff Heath & Dave Teter

project delivery working group mission and scope
The Project Delivery Working Group (PDWG) is chartered to leverage the expertise and experience of U.S. Department of Energy contractors to address challenges and achieve improvements in project delivery across the DOE complex. The PDWG’s purpose is to seek out, promote and share the best practices and processes for successful project delivery at DOE facilities. This will be achieved through contractor subject matter experts and professionals from across the DOE complex working together, and in partnership with DOE, to implement DOE initiatives that strengthen and advance the development, management, and delivery of projects (and project-like activities) in support of DOE missions. The PDWG portfolio includes those broad-based, interrelated elements across the project lifecycle critical to successful project delivery. Areas of focus and collaboration include:
• Project Management |
• Contract Management |
• Cost Estimating |
• Project Peer Review Support |
• Scheduling |
• Start-up, Testing and Commissioning |
• Risk Management |
• Guide revisions |
• Acquisition Management |
• DOE Areas of Interest |
The Working Group will focus on practical and effective solutions to complex-wide challenges; promote open communication and sharing of lessons learned and best practices and leverage inter-site and inter-contractor solutions to achieve enterprise-wide improvement while supporting cost-effective and efficient solutions. This will be achieved in a manner that maintains a priority on safety, compliance, and cost-effectiveness. The PDWG is comprised of the Project Management Subgroup (PMSG) consisting of two primary components: the Risk Management and Project Controls task teams.
The PMSG focus areas will be project management, construction management, project controls, risk management, cost estimating, and project peer review support. Project Controls will focus primarily on earned value compliance in support of PM-30 and EM-5.22. These efforts will be integrated and supported by task teams and other working groups as necessary to provide solutions to improving project delivery across the complex.
project delivery working group organization
Subgroups and Task Teams
project management subgroup
Task Teams:
Project Controls
Risk Management
Task Teams pending assignment of actionable tasks
Upcoming Events
Upcoming event information can be found on the EFCOG home page
Contact our leadership team