About Us


Maximizing DOE and NNSA mission success by sharing best practices and information to support management and operational excellence.

Years in Partnership with DOE

Member Companies

Subject Matter Groups

Best Practices published

Our Story

The Energy Facility Contractors Group (EFCOG) organization arose from an initiative by contractor executives to work together to improve operations across the DOE complex; and a challenge from DOE leadership to tackle common problems facing DOE sites and laboratories. That remains the core of our mission today – to maximize DOE/NNSA mission success by achieving management and operational excellence. EFCOG has grown to an organization that has over 135 member companies representing the prime contractor community, as well as the small business community, that support the DOE/NNSA operations.

During decades of service, EFCOG has continued to demonstrate the value of partnership across the
DOE complex by working collaboratively with DOE/NNSA at the headquarters and field level. In 2022,
EFCOG continued to be productive in supporting these partnerships through Board and Working Group
interactions to assure that EFCOG was working on the highest risks and most important issues for the
DOE complex. Through these interactions, EFCOG accomplished mission milestones and, more
importantly, maintained the safety of our most important resource — our workforce.

To be successful, EFCOG requires a commitment from all members to provide support from their company’s personnel for authorized EFCOG activities. During these activities, EFCOG member companies will facilitate the exchange of information through meetings, conference calls, workshops, working groups, written materials, etc.

Senior members of DOE may participate in Executive Council meetings with the exception of voting. DOE personnel are also encouraged to participate in working group activities.

Board of Directors

DJ Johnson

DJ Johnson


Honeywell Federal Solutions

Mark Whitney

Mark Whitney

Vice Chair


Juan Alvarez

Juan Alvarez

Board Member

Brookhaven National Laboratory

david campbell

david campbell

Board Member


Sandra Fairchild

Sandra Fairchild

Board Member


Randy Hansen

Randy Hansen

Board Member

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Jeffrey Heath

Jeffrey Heath

Board Member

Sandia National Laboratories

Jeff Kendall

Jeff Kendall

Board Member

AtkinsRéalis US Nuclear

Michael Lempke

Michael Lempke

Board Member

Huntington Ingalls Industries

Sharon Marra

Sharon Marra

Board Member

Battelle Savannah River Alliance/SRNL

Robert Miklos

Robert Miklos

Board Member

Veolia Nuclear Solutions

Eric Papaioannou

Eric Papaioannou

Board Member

Idaho National Laboratory

Bob Smith

Bob Smith

Board Member

Fluor Federal Services

Brad Smith

Brad Smith

Board Member


Ben Souther

Ben Souther

Board Member

Bechtel National, Inc.

Jeff Stevens

Jeff Stevens

Board Member

BWXT Technical Services Group, Inc.

David Teter

David Teter

Board Member

Los Alamos National Laboratory

Member Companies

Member CompanyMember Representative Last NameMember Representative First NameMembership Level
Acato Information ManagementTothCatherineSmall
Accenture Federal ServicesColeCristineFull
Acuity InternationalLefmanJakeAssociate
Advanced Automation CorporationClancyRobertSmall
Advanced Technologies and Laboratories Int'lNiemeyerBillFull
Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC (NREL)BakerJulieFull
American DND, Inc.SchaabBillSmall
Ames National LaboratoryAisenbreyChelseyAssociate
Argonne National LaboratoryDildayDanFull
Arq Inc.WongJoeFull
AtkinsRéalis US NuclearKendallJeff Full
AVANTech Inc.MondayTammySmall
AzTech International, Inc.ContrerasLuisSmall
Babcock Services, IncGallagherPhilipSmall
Baker Concrete Construction, Inc.NussmeierRobertFull
Banda Group International, LLCBanda, Jr.ZeferinoSmall
Battelle Savannah River AllianceMarraSharonFull
Bechtel National, Inc.SoutherBenFull
Booz Allen HamiltonMillerMichaelAssociate
Boston Government Services, LLCFreundDougFull
Boundless Impact Research & Analytics, Inc.HarclerodeMelissaSmall
Brookhaven National LaboratoryAlvarezJuanFull
BWXT Technical Services Group, Inc.StevensJeffreyFull
Cavendish Nuclear USAProvencherRichardFull
CDM SmithNettamoPaiviFull
CH2MHILL BWXT West Valley, LLCLoopPeggyFull
ClearPlan LLCGarveyJoshFull
Clover Leaf Solutions, LLCFaulknerJamesAssociate
COMPA Industries, Inc.JensenlopezDaniel Small
Consolidated Nuclear SecurityTigheRichardFull
CTI and Associates, Inc.MorganMarkSmall
CyberLok Security Solutions, LLCHaneyWayneSmall
DBD IncCravenAndrewSmall
DeMase Technical ServicesMaseBridgitteSmall
Fermi National Accelerator LaboratoryCooperCharlesAssociate
Fire & Pump Service GroupBroidyFrankSmall
Firewater Associates LLCEcholsReneeSmall
Fluor Federal ServicesSmithBobFull
Fluor-BWXT Portsmouth LLCWilkettGreg Full
forProject Technology, Inc.GallopGlennSmall
Four Rivers Nuclear PartnershipHicksCoryFull
GEM Technologies Inc.EchelardTimSmall
GEM Technology International CorporationEastonJoeSmall
General Dynamics Information TechnologyMerrittGregAssociate
Geosyntec Consultants, Inc.FountainStefanieAssociate
Hanford Mission Integration SolutionsBascheAmyFull
HealthWorks Medical, LLCTurnboJamesSmall
Holtec Government Services, LLC.RoeggeFritzFull
Honeywell Federal SolutionsJohnsonDavidFull
Honeywell FM&TMatthewsRyanFull
Humphreys & Associates, Inc.SmithJ. GregSmall
Huntington Ingalls IndustriesLempkeMichaelFull
I.C.E. Service Group, Inc.ChirgottGusSmall
Idaho National LaboratoryPapaioannouEricFull
Institute for Clean Energy TechnologyRickertJaimeFull
INTERA IncorporatedHunterKellySmall
Intra Management Solutions, Inc.WojciechowskiMattSmall
IONEX Research CorporationCarrascoAngieSmall
J. G. Management Systems, Inc.GonzalesJeromeSmall
Jacobs Engineering GroupBlevinsDavidFull
Jefferson LabHammackKentFull
Juno Management ProfessionalsHallKevinSmall
J Vollbrecht Consulting, Inc.VollbrechtJenniferSmall
Kiewit Nuclear SolutionsPattersonJoshFull
Lawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryLinBryanFull
Lawrence Livermore National LaboratoryZerkleCarolynFull
Longenecker & AssociatesLongeneckerJohnSmall
Los Alamos National Laboratory/TriadTeter DavidFull
Management Solutions, LLCMayesMistySmall
Merrick & Co.WamplerTonyAssociate
Michael Baker InternationalWolfePeterAssociate
Midnite DynamicsFranksMichaelSmall
Mirion Technologies Inc.StanfieldSeanFull
Mission Support and Test ServicesRochaRogerFull
MPR Associates, Inc.SteimanSamuelAssociate
MS Technology, Inc.InklebargerDoyleSmall
NAC InternationalEnglandJeffAssociate
Navarro Research and EngineeringOvertonRyanFull
Neptune and Company, Inc.BlackPaulSmall
North Wind GroupBukowskiJohnFull
nStone CorporationDukesLynwoodSmall
NuVision EngineeringFrankleMichaelSmall
Oak Ridge Associated UniversitiesVosburgJimFull
Oak Ridge National LaboratorySutharshanBalendraFull
Oak Ridge TechnologiesKirshe MarkSmall
Omega Technical ServicesTindalBillSmall
Orano Federal Services LLCBuczekJeffFull
Pacific Northwest National LaboratoryHansenRandyFull
PanTeXas Deterrence, LLC YearyColbyFull
Parsons Government ServicesChampagneyMattFull
Parvati Government Services Inc.FordeKelseySmall
Paschal Solutions, Inc.HensonTraceySmall
Perma-Fix Environmental ServicesJonesPaulSmall
Pinnacle Management Systems, Inc.JenningsRobertSmall
PM tec, Inc.FillmoreJeffreySmall
pmXperts, Inc.BeckSteveSmall
Project Enhancement CorporationMartinezRicardoSmall
Samos Advisors LLCSoutosBasilSmall
Sandia National LaboratoriesHeathJeffreyFull
Savannah River Mission CompletionSaleebyEmilyFull
Savannah River Nuclear SolutionsSpragueRichardFull
Schneider ElectricWhittingTimAssociate
Secured IT SolutionsNguyenMy-NgocSmall
Senez Consulting Inc.BainbridgeRussellSmall
Seventh Sense ConsultingAldersonWilliamSmall
SLAC National Accelerator LaboratoryConnollyJohnAssociate
SOC LLCFloydGregFull
Spectra Tech, Inc.YongLoongSmall
Strata-G, LLCPattersonJohnSmall
Strategic Management Solutions, LLCNuckolsMatthewSmall
Swift & StaleyCourtneyTroySmall
Systems Planning and Analysis, Inc.HezelMattAssociate
TechSource, Inc.MeyersJohnSmall
TerranearPMC, LLCRavalAmarFull
Texas A&M University SystemMcDeavittSeanFull
The De Novo Group LLCTryonMikeSmall
Torah Federal SystemsBrazzellDalSmall
University of CaliforniaHoarKennethFull
Veolia Nuclear SolutionsMiklosRobertFull
Victaulic CompanyBallardRobertAssociate
Washington River Protection SolutionsFairchildSandraFull
Waste Control Specialists LLCLaBargeMatthewAssociate
Westinghouse Government ServicesCochranStanleyFull
WIPP-SIMCOHarrawoodKen Full