Chair – 

Vice Chair – Leon Wood

Secretary – michelle stellflug

Vice Secretary – Ashley Lowry

DOE Liaison – mark hojnacke

Board Sponsor – dj johnson

safeguards & security working group mission and scope


It is the mission of the Safeguards and Security Working Group (SSWG) to continuously improve Safeguards & Security (S&S) performance across U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), to include the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) by focusing on the protection of Nuclear Material (NM) and Special Nuclear Material (SNM), sensitive information, classified matter, assets, and personnel. The SSWG adds value by bringing together the best and brightest DOE/NNSA and industry S&S professionals to analyze issues and develop cost‐effective solutions that bring clarity and continuous improvement to the DOE/NNSA missions.

Our primary objectives are to:

Enable the successful execution of DOE/NNSA missions and programs by promoting security
practices that deliver efficient, safe, and secure outcomes.

Provide a forum for the active exchange of ideas, approaches and lessons learned among
contractors and industry that:
o Enhances collaboration through the sharing of innovative technologies and methods, and
o Encourages interaction between DOE management and contractors on complex wide
objectives, issues and projects.

Serve as a consensus board for emerging security directives proposed by DOE and for the
interpretation and consistent application of existing DOE directives.

Assure the goals of EFCOG and DOE are met through effective planning and execution.

Promote continuous improvement and professional development by sharing information among contractors through vehicles such as websites, workshops, and subgroups.

Safeguards & Security Working Group Organization


information security subgroup
material control & accountability Subgroup

Communities of Practice:

Human Performance Improvement

Work Planning & Control

Safety Culture

physical protection Subgroup

The Quality Assurance Subgroup is a working committee of Quality professionals dedicated to promoting, sharing and addressing quality related challenges and improvements through the development and dissemination of tools, lessons learned, best practices and guidance documents. The QA Subgroup is comprised of task teams that develop strategies to address specific topics. These teams are comprised of representatives from across the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) complex.

Communities of Practice:

Policy & Procedures

Procurement Engineering 

Supply Chain Quality

Software Quality Assurance

program planning & management Subgroup

The Regulatory & Enforcement Technical Subgroup exists to foster the exchange of information between Contractors and the Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Enforcement to promote consistency in the identification, reporting, and resolution of nuclear safety, worker safety & health, and classified information security issues across the Department of Energy complex.  The group exchanges lessons learned from events selected for investigation by the DOE Office of Enforcement and shares approaches and strategies to prevent the recurrence of similar conditions.  Additionally, the group provides discussion of strategies to address emerging issues and concerns identified by the DOE Office of Enforcement.

Contact our leadership team

    Upcoming Events

    Upcoming event information can be found on the EFCOG home page