waste management working group


Chair – renee echols

Vice Chair – tammy monday

Secretary – jeff england

DOE Liaison – 

Board Sponsor – billy morrison & Bob Miklos

waste management working group mission and scope

The Waste Management Working Group (WMWG) is chartered to leverage the expertise and experience of contractors to the DOE. The purpose of the WMWG is to seek out and promote the best management and operating practices, cost effective technologies and disposal options for all waste streams generated at DOE facilities whether destined for DOE or commercial facilities. The WMWG is focused on complex wide integration and technology transfer while supporting cost effective and efficient waste options. This enhances complex wide communication and maintains a priority on safety, environmental stewardship, and security. The scope of the working group includes cradle-to-grave waste management that begins at waste generation and goes through final disposition.

waste management working group organization


Decontamination & Decommissioning Subgroup
Challenging Waste Subgroup
Packaging & Transportation Subgroup
TRU Waste Subgroup

Contact our leadership team

    Upcoming Events

    Upcoming event information can be found on the EFCOG home page