Supply chain task team
Chair – Jay Johnson
Vice Chair – Louis Griego
Secretary – Elizabeth Wooten
DOE Liaison – jack zimmerman
Board Sponsor – Bob Smith & Sandra Fairchild

supply chain task team mission and scope
The EFCOG SCTT is chartered to support member companies in attaining and maintaining the highest level of supply chain management performance in the operation of Department of Energy (DOE)/National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) facilities/projects. The SCTT will achieve this by:
- Advocating for strong, effective implementation of Supply Chain Management across departmental activities;
- Seeking out, developing, and promoting best practices;
- Facilitating the exchange of operating experiences and information on supply chain and its effectiveness, and designing studies and developing position and technical papers to inform DOE/NNSA regulations and directives processes where appropriate;
- Providing DOE/NNSA and member companies with access to a network of subject matter experts;
- Identifying opportunities to save and/or avoid acquisition costs and drive operational efficiencies; and
- Arranging for training and awareness workshops to enhance the competency of supply chain professionals.
Supply Chain Task Team organization
supply chain risk management subgroup
Contact our leadership team

Upcoming Events
Upcoming event information can be found on the EFCOG home page