Waste Management Working Group


The Waste Management Working Group (WMWG) is chartered to leverage the expertise and experience of contractors to DOE. The purpose of the WMWG is to seek out and promote the best management and operating practices, cost effective technologies and disposal options for all waste streams generated at DOE facilities whether destined for DOE or commercial facilities. The WMWG is focused on complex-wide integration and technology transfer while supporting cost effective and efficient waste options. This will be achieved in a way that enhances complex wide communication and maintains a priority on safety, environmental stewardship, and security. In addition to the overarching main nuclear waste management focus of the WMWG, the WMWG incorporates the efforts of four technical Subgroups:

  • Challenging Waste
  • Packaging & Transportation
  • Decontamination & Decommissioning (D&D)
  • TRU Waste

As part of the recent restructuring within EFCOG, the inventory of lessons learned and best practices generated by the Decontamination & Decommissioning (D&D) and Facility Engineering Working Group will be maintained and made available to the users within the DOE complex. Future specific D&D and/or environmental remediation issues related to waste characterization, minimization, disposition, and recycling/reuse will be addressed under ad hoc task groups to be agreed to with DOE on a case by case basis.

Upcoming Events

[events_list scope=”future” category=’waste-management-working-group’]<p>#_EVENTLINK will take place at #_LOCATIONLINK on #_EVENTDATES at #_EVENTTIMES</p>[/events_list]

Monthly Call

First Wednesday every month at 3pm EST (starting 2/3/21), Call in Number:  +1 (404) 891-6338, Participant Code:  5096100, Then #

Planned Agenda

* Comments by Chair * HQ Update * Site Update * WMWG Updates * Next meeting location



  • Renee Echols, Chair (Firewater Associates, LLC)
  • Tammy Monday, Vice Chair (AVANTech)
  • Jeff England, Secretary (NAC International)

Contact our team via the contact form below.

EFCOG Sponsoring Directors

  • Billy Morrison (EnergySolutions)

DOE Liaison

  • Mark Senderling [/ezcol_1half]

[ezcol_1half_end]DOE HQ POCs

  • Kurt Gerdes (Office Director for Technology Development)
  • Robert Seifert (Director for Subsurface Closure)
  • Julia Shenk
  • Douglas Tonkay (Office Director for Waste Disposal)

DOE Field POCs

  • Ahmad Al-Daouk (NA-53)
  • Robert Boehlecke (EM-30.1)
  • Joel Bradburne (PPPO)
  • Ray Corey (NNSA)
  • Benton Harp
  • Christopher Kemp
  • Gary Pyles
  • Terrell Spears
  • Daniel Sullivan
  • Andrew Worker (NA-53) [/ezcol_1half_end]

Subgroups and Leadership

D&D Subgroup

Challenging Waste Subgroup

Packaging and Transportation Subgroup



Challenging Waste Subgroup Mission

Contact our Team: