Regulatory & Enforcement Subgroup


The Regulatory & Enforcement Technical Subgroup exists to foster the exchange of information between Contractors and the Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Enforcement to promote consistency in the identification, reporting, and resolution of nuclear safety, worker safety & health, and classified information security issues across the Department of Energy complex.  The group exchanges lessons learned from events selected for investigation by the DOE Office of Enforcement and shares approaches and strategies to prevent the recurrence of similar conditions.  Additionally, the group provides discussion of strategies to address emerging issues and concerns identified by the DOE Office of Enforcement.


The objectives of Regulatory and Enforcement Technical Subgroup are to:

  • Foster and encourage the sharing of information and lessons learned between peers to promote improvements across the DOE complex in the areas of interest to the DOE Office of Enforcement.
  • Provide a forum in which contractors regularly share experience regarding the application of the enforcement coordination process and lessons learned from events that have prompted Office of Enforcement interest or investigation.
  • Create training and technical guides to assist new Enforcement Coordinators in the screening and reporting function associated with enforcement coordination.
  • Document best practices agreed upon by the community of Enforcement Coordinators and the DOE Office of Enforcement.
  • Provide feedback to the DOE Office of Enforcement regarding their guidance documents.

[ezcol_1half] Leadership

  • Kathy Brack, Co-Chair (Consolidated Nuclear Security)
  • Barry Thom, Co-Chair (Mission Support and Test Services)

Steering Planning Committee 

  • Tamara Baldwin
  • Tracy Chance
  • Heath Garrison
  • Tamara Greenwood
  • Mark Holowczak
  • Sherry Kontes

Contact our team via the contact form below. 

[/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end]DOE Sponsor

  • Robin Keeler (EA-10) [/ezcol_1half_end]

Upcoming Events

[events_list scope=”future” category=’regulatory-enforcement-subgroup’]<p>#_EVENTLINK will take place at #_LOCATIONLINK on #_EVENTDATES at #_EVENTTIMES</p>[/events_list]



Draft Regulatory & Enforcement TSG Agenda

Contact our Team:

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