Electrical Safety Community of Practice

May 2023 Electrical Safety Month slides

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May is National Electrical Safety Month!

During the pandemic, there has been an increase in the demand of do-it-yourself (DIY) home improvement, given that people have been spending more time in their homes, the availability of social media DIY step-by-step videos and perceive savings in performing DIY projects. A series of consumer surveys by The Farnsworth Group and the Home Improvement Research Institute (HIRI) indicate that, early in the pandemic, 60 percent of homeowners reported that they recently started a DIY home maintenance, replacement, repair, or remodeling project, and that share grew to almost 80 percent by early June 2020. The most common projects reported have been lawn maintenance, landscaping, painting, and decorating, and general home maintenance, which may include electrical work and could expose a homeowner to an electrical hazard or worst a recipient of an injury as a result of the exposure to an electrical hazard.

With the increase of DIY activities of homeowners, who may be performing tasks that may involve exposure to electricity and may be less aware of industry available safety-related work practices to protect themselves from electrical hazards at home, they may be susceptible to the dangers of electricity.

The Energy Facility Contractors Group’s (EFCOG) Electrical Safety Community of Practice (ESCoP) theme for 2023 National Electrical Safety Month is DIY Electrical Work. The objective of this theme is to remind staff, who may perform DIY activities in their individual homes, the dangers of working with electricity not only creating a fire hazard but also may inflict unnecessary harm to themselves. Each week an ESCoP Electrical Safety SME will share their past experience working with electricity and entice audiences to hire a qualified, licensed electrician to perform electrical work in their home.


  • Scot Winningham, Chair (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
  • Tommy Martinez, Vice Chair (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
  • Drew Thomas, Secretary (Hanford Mission Integration Solutions)
  • Jennifer Martin, Chair Emeritus (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)

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Patrick Romero

Electrical Safety Task Group Charter

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