training working group


Chair – amy loevy

Vice Chair – david yakonich

Secretary – melissa walker

DOE Liaison – gabe pugh

Board Sponsor – Eric Papioannou

training working group mission and scope

The Training Working Group (TWG) was established to drive efficiency and effectiveness in training conducted for the DOE. The TWG takes a leadership role in leveraging collaborative initiatives that support training. It also assists in identifying areas of improvement around proposed policy or regulatory changes, new or changed processes, and providing subject matter expertise for training initiatives across the complex.

Training Connections

training working group Organization

Subgroups & Task Teams

Course Efficiency Subgroup
Training Collaboration Subgroup
Task Teams

Training Regulation Development Support Task Team

Workforce Development Task Team

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Accessibility in Learning Task Team

Learning Technology Task Team

monthly learning opportunities

2024 TWG Annual Meeting Descriptions & Video Links

2024-07-25 TWG July Monthly Learning Opportunity

Upcoming Events

Upcoming event information can be found on the EFCOG home page

Monthly learning opportunity information is listed above.

Contact our leadership team