Safety Working Group


The Safety Working Group (SWG) is chartered to support member companies in attaining and maintaining the highest levels safety and regulatory performance in the operation of DOE/NNSA facilities/projects. The SWG achieves this by:

  • Advocating for strong, effective implementation of Integrated Safety Management across departmental activities.
  • Seeking out, developing, and promoting best management and operating practices
  • Facilitating the exchange of operating experiences and information on safety/regulatory programs and their effectiveness and designing studies and developing position and technical papers to inform DOE/NNSA regulations and directives processes where appropriate.
  • Providing DOE/NNSA and member companies with access to a network of subject matter experts.
  • Assisting member companies in cost effective implementation of effective safety and regulatory programs through peer reviews and consultations
  • Arranging for training, exercises and/or awareness workshops to enhance the competency of safety professionals.

Upcoming Events

[events_list scope=”future” category=’safety-working-group’]<p>#_EVENTLINK will take place at #_LOCATIONLINK on #_EVENTDATES at #_EVENTTIMES</p>[/events_list]



  • William (Bill) Mairson, Chair (Consolidated Nuclear Security)
  • Duane McLane, Vice Chair (Veolia)
  • Kacy Hopwood, Secretary (LANL)

EFCOG Sponsoring Directors

  • Jack Craig, Jr. (ATKINS)

DOE Liaison

  • Kevin Dressman (DOE EHSS-10)

Contact our team via the contact form below. Looking for the SWG SME POC list? Please request a copy via the form below.


Contractor Assurance System Subgroup

Integrated Safety Management Subgroup
Quality Assurance Subgroup

Regulatory & Enforcement Subgroup
Worker Safety & Health Subgroup



Fall 2018 Meeting Record

Contact our Team: